Branches of Engineering | Civil Engineering Branches, mechanical engineering branches


Introduction to Engineering Branches

The attraction towards engineering education continues even today. The number of seats in engineering courses is also increasing year by year. At such a time many questions naturally arise in the mind. Do we really need so many engineers? What is engineering? An article that clears many doubts of common students and parents...


Most of the students who want to go for engineering are ignorant about the various faculties. It will be appropriate to think about which faculty to choose, what job opportunities are available from that branch, even before entering the first year. You should choose the branch according to your interest and ability in the subject. If you want employment opportunities in more fields then the choice of original branch is right. (Eg Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics, Chemical) If you opt for specialized branches at the time of graduation, your employment opportunities are limited to that branch only. E.g. Opting for automobile engineering leaves the job opportunities limited only to the automobile industry. Opting for mechanical engineering instead opens up employment opportunities in numerous engineering fields like aerospace, marine, automobile, refrigeration, production, automation. All engineering disciplines involve computer related studies. Just getting a degree in IT is not very preferable. Because information in IT is related to some field. Therefore, it is necessary to have a combination of knowledge in that faculty and computer knowledge in education. Students should also think about this. Let's take a look at the various branches of engineering.


Mechanical Engineering

 Covers power machinery and system operation from the perspective of thermal and energy utilization and its analysis. These engineers design, test, and operate all types of machinery. The field of mechanical engineering is divided into following two types-


- Machines, Mechanisms, Materials, Hydraulics and Pneumatics

- Work and Energy, Heat, Ventilating and Air Conditioning


This is the origin of various sub-disciplines in mechanical engineering.


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- Automobile Engineering- In this, vehicles like motorcycles, cars, buses, trucks are designed and manufactured.

- Aeronautics and Aerospace Engineering- Aeronautics is the study of the design and manufacture of airplanes and other airborne vehicles. This includes subjects like aerodynamics, structure design, propulsion engine, navigation, communication etc. Aerospace engineering is closely related to aeronautics. But, aerospace engineering includes the study of space, rocket science, artificial satellites.


- Marine Engineering- Marine engineering is a specialized branch of mechanical engineering. In this, the technique of steering a ship is developed using mechanical and electrical systems. It involves the design and maintenance of various mechanical and electrical equipment on board the ship.

- Production Engineering- Production engineering plays an important role in a manufacturing industry that manufactures various goods. It also includes the study of the creation of the production unit, the product to be taken from it. It is only a study of machinery work and is of no use. Work like welding, foundry is also studied in it. This includes industrial engineering, management, time planning, costing and estimation, optimization etc.

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 Civil Engineering

 The application of civil engineering can be seen in many fields. In the modern world, we depend on this branch in many ways. Construction of buildings, roads, bridges, canals, railways, airports, water supply schemes, tunnels or pipelines used to carry water, dams, irrigation, ports, docks, tunnels and other major constructions. A civil engineer needs to have knowledge of all types of surveying. It is also important to have knowledge about the properties and design of materials used in construction. Similarly, it is necessary to have information about the structure of the land and construction. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics are also studied in this discipline. The sub-disciplines of Civil Engineering are as follows.


- Construction Engineering- The work of construction as per the plans given by structural engineering comes under this branch. This branch also includes various construction permits, completion of documents for the same, obtaining occupation certificate from Municipal Corporation or MIDC after completion of construction. Various processes for construction and management, manpower planning also have to be done in this faculty. A study of the properties and quality of materials used for this construction is essential.


- Irrigation Engineering- Canals, water planning for agriculture, dams etc. are included in this branch.


- Structural Engineering- It studies how the construction should be designed. In this, the construction area falls in which earthquake zone is considered. As such, it is checked how many Richter scale earthquakes the construction can withstand. It also considers the effect of wind on the construction. Engineering principles are considered in this discipline while designing the construction. (E.g. how far apart bridge piers should be, how much water pressure can be exerted on them while building a dam, how much TMC water storage capacity.) Ocean engineering also includes the design of offshore structures. Structural engineers say that the design of a building should be; However, construction engineers have to do the work of construction.


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- Transportation Engineering- Construction of expressways, freeways, various types of bridges, construction of railways is included in this branch.


-Environmental Engineering- Fire prevention measures, ecosystem design, construction, maintenance are also included during construction. Engineering, planning, development and maintenance of water reservoirs to meet human health needs comes under hydraulic engineering. Water planning, waste water management and processing etc. are also included in this branch.


- Geotechnical Engineering- In this branch of civil engineering work, the behavior of underground materials is studied. Mining Engineering is studied in this branch. It includes finding coal and minerals from the earth's interior, extracting them and processing them etc.


Let's take a look at other branches of engineering in the next section.

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