Hemoglobin | Hemoglobin Types


It is conjugated protein which is present in the Rbc. 

It is red colour pigment of RBC which carry gases. 

Hemoglobin mainly consist of haem and globin i.e. 4% haem and 96% protein. 

1 hemoglobin contain 4 molecule of haem and 1 haem molecule carry one oxygen molecule carry one oxygen molecule. 

1g of hemoglobin carry 1.39ml of oxygen. 

Molecular weight is 64 thousand.

Normal values of hemoglobin in Male is 13g to 17g and in Female is 12.5g to 15g.

In new born Hb value is 14g to 22g.

If hemoglobin % increase than normal called Polycythemia.

If hemoglobin % decrease than normal called Anemia.



Transportation of Gases.

Transportation of hormone and nutrients.

Transportation of oxygen from lungs to tissue and carbon dioxide from tissue to lungs.

Types of hemoglobin

Depending upon composition of globin chain hemoglobin categorize into three types.

1. HbA

2. HbA2

3. HbF


It is the major hemoglobin present in adult.

It is a 97% of total hemoglobin.

Hb consist of alpha chain and beta chain.

Alpha chain carry 141 amino acid and Beta chain 146 amino acid.

Oxygen carry capacity of HbA is more in than other types.


It is minor hemoglobin present in adult.

It is 1.5 to 3.4% of total hemoglobin.

That mainly consist of pair of alpha chain and pair of delta chain.

Alpha chain contain 141 amino acid and delta chain contain 146 amino acid.

HbA2 increase than normal in some disorder. E.g. Thalassemia


HbF i.e. F indicating fetal hemoglobin.

It is present in fetus i.e. 70-90% of total hemoglobin.

After 1st month of delievary the HbF decrease by 25%.

At the age of 6 month almost HbF replaced by HbA.

HbF mainly consist of alpha and gamma chain.

Alpha chain consist of mainly 141 amino acid and Gamma chain consist 146 amino acid.

Its normal composition in adult i.e. below 1%.


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