Function of blood in human body | Haematopoiesis occurs in..

Function of blood in human body | Haematopoiesis occurs in..

Function of blood

1) Transortation of gases ( oxygen from lungs to tissue and carbon dioxide fron tissue to lungs).

2) Transportation of hormones.

3) Transporatation of nutrients.

4) Excretion of waste material from the body.

5) Maintain hemostasis (i.e. body temperature).

6) Maintain PH.

7) Mainatain osmotic balance.

8) Play an important role in clotting mechanism and coaguation.

9) Blood play an important role against to kill bacteria and viruses by defence mechanism.


Foramtion, development, maturation of blood cell called haematopoeisis. 

Cell of haematopoiesis are Rbc,Wbc and platelate.

Medullary haematopoiesis is formation of blood from the bone marrow. 

Extra-medullary haematopoiesis is takes place rather than bone marrow. 

In 0 to 3 years foetus haematopoiesis is done by yolk sac, in 3 to 5 years baby takes place by liver. In infant it is done by bone marrow.

   Formation of blood takes place by three steps: 1) Multiplication of precursor cell, 2) Maturation of cell, 3) Release of cell. 

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